Health & Wellness Policy
Sunman Dearborn School Corporation

Fever: If your child has a fever of 100° or greater, you must keep them home until they are fever free for 24 hours.
Vomiting: If your child vomits at home, please keep them home for 24 hours.
Diarrhea: If your child does not have a medical diagnosis that causes this condition, you need to keep them at home.
Strep Throat: Your child must be on ANTIBIOTICS and fever free for 24 hours prior to returning to school. If your child is prone to strep infection, please include this information on their emergency form.
Chicken Pox: Student should be kept home until 24 hours after all lesions are crusted over and child is fever-free. Please call school or send a note so that proper records can be maintained.
Lice: If your child has lice or nits, keep them home and treat them with lice-killing shampoo and comb out any nits. (WE HAVE A NO-NIT POLICY) PLEASE CALL SCHOOL AND REPORT THIS TO THE SCHOOL NURSE. When your child returns to school, you must bring them in to be checked by the school nurse before returning to the classroom.
Rashes: If your child has a rash that you can not identify, please consult your physician.
Pink Eye/Conjuctuvitus: Your child may return to school after being on ANTIBIOTIC eye drops for 24 hours. If your child has exudate (pus) from the eye and the eye is matted shut, they should stay home unless they have a medical condition that causes it.
Ticks: Remove the tick and contact your healthcare provider if your child develops a rash or fever within 4 weeks of exposure.
If your child becomes ill during school hours, the school will contact you as quickly as possible. However, you are asked to fill out an emergency procedure sheet stating the steps you wish taken by the nurse in case you cannot be reached. Students may not return to school unless they have been fever-free (under 100°F) for 24 hours.
AT-SCHOOL HEALTH GUIDELINESFever: If your child has a temperature of 100° or greater, you must pick them up from school and keep them home until they are fever free for 24 hours.
Vomiting: If your child vomits at school, you must come and sign them out immediately.
Diarrhea: If your child does not have a medical diagnosis that causes this condition, you will be contacted to pick him/her up.
Chicken Pox: If your child breaks out with chicken pox at school, you will be asked to pick them up. Your child may return to school 24 hours after lesions are crusted over and child is fever free.
Lice: We have a “no-nit” policy. If your child is found to have lice or nits (eggs), you must pick them up at school. The child should not return until they have been treated with lice-killing shampoo, nits are combed out and you have found no lice or nits while examining their hair. When the child returns to school, you will need to bring them in to be checked by the school nurse prior to returning to the classroom.
Pink Eye/Conjunctivitis: If your child has exudate (pus) coming from the eye(s) and either/both eyes are matted, you must pick your child up at school. Your child should not return until they have been on ANTIBIOTIC eye drops for 24 hours.
Rashes: If your child has a rash that cannot be identified, you should take your child for a medical diagnosis. The child will not be permitted to return to school without a written medical diagnosis of a non-contagious rash or until the rash is gone.
Strep Throat: If your child has a sore throat and his/her tonsils are red and/or swollen with exudate (pus), you must pick your child up at school. Any student who has been tested positive for strep throat will not return to school for 24 hours following initiation of medication.
Ticks: If your child finds a tick on him/herself, we will remove it and send a note home informing you that we have removed a tick from your child.
Ticks: If your child finds a tick on him/herself, we will remove it and send a note home informing you that we have removed a tick from your child.
Please inform the school nurse of any health problems concerning your child. All injuries should be reported to the school nurse or classroom teacher. Every possible effort will be made to contact the family. If the family cannot be contacted, the family doctor will be called. Any student needing crutches or a wheelchair must have a note from a physician to use them at school. In addition, any student needing an elevator key due to a medical condition or injury must have a note from a physician.
Please inform the school nurse of any new medical diagnosis, and any special care needs.
Please send a note to the school nurse that will allow your child to have a water bottle and lozenges at school. Please provide the water bottles and lozenges for your child. The clinic does not carry water bottles for the student's use.
Please inform the school nurse of any health problems concerning your child. All injuries should be reported to the school nurse or classroom teacher. Every possible effort will be made to contact the family. If the family cannot be contacted, the family doctor will be called. Any student needing crutches or a wheelchair must have a note from a physician to use them at school. In addition, any student needing an elevator key due to a medical condition or injury must have a note from a physician.
Please inform the school nurse of any new medical diagnosis, and any special care needs.
Please send a note to the school nurse that will allow your child to have a water bottle and lozenges at school. Please provide the water bottles and lozenges for your child. The clinic does not carry water bottles for the student's use.